
Our research in the context of bidirectional model transformations follows a more pragmatic approach. Our primary focus lies on expressiveness, conciseness, and scalability. To this end, we combine a declarative DSL with an imperative DSL, the latter of which allows to specify all parts of the transformation that may not be addressed by the declarative DSL.

BXtendDSL is a framework for the definition and execution of bidirectional incremental model transformations. The framework is based on EMF and has been implemented in Xtend, an expressive dialect of the programming language Java. The models to be transformed are assumed to be instances of metamodels, which in turn are defined with the help of Ecore, the metametamodel provided by EMF. A transformation is specified in a small and light-weight external DSL called \emph{BXtendDSL Declarative}, which essentially serves to define correspondences between model elements with the help of transformation rules. From a declarative specification, code is generated against the libraries of the BXtendDSL framework. The application programming interfaces of these libraries constitute an internal, imperative DSL called \emph{BXtendDSL Imperative}. The generated code is extended with handwritten code that is written in the internal DSL. In this way, the transformation developer may take care of operational details that go beyond the capabilities of the declarative language. Altogether, BXtendDSL allows to write concise transformation definitions and at the same time provides the expressiveness required for solving a wide range of bidirectional transformation problems. Furthermore, execution of BXtendDSL transformations proves scalable to large model sizes.


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